“卤”= food cooked by using salt or soya souces.
Strongly believed this is a mistake due to PinYing chinese input method.
建此部落格,并不敢言是为了振兴中华文化,或让马来西亚的华人都能书写正确的中文那么大的志向,贴了几张图后,反而觉得自己有点吹毛求疵,无意伤害任何人,纯粹只是为了好玩。I have no intention to promote chinese culture or let Malaysian chinese write a correct chinese. After posting several photos, I found that I'm very nick-picky, anyway, this blog is just for fun.
It's pinyin, not pinying.
Also, it's soya sauce, not soya souce. Sauce is uncountable noun, so usually we don't add an "s" to it, unless you are talking about different kinds of "sauces", then yeah, you need an "s" here.
It's great to see that there is someone who is so concerned about the misuse of chinese characters. This blog is definitely a great place to learn mandarin! Keep up your good work!
◎ 制盐时剩下的黑色汁液,味苦有毒。亦称“盐卤”、“苦汁”。
◎ 浓汁:~汁。~面。
◎ 用五香咸水或酱油等浓汁制作食品:~虾。~豆腐。
◎ 古同“鲁”,鲁莽。
◎ 古同“橹”,大盾。
◎ 古同“掳”,掠夺。
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